CAD designs that were intended for CNC machining services were able to be uploaded by LPS onto a protected server

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Teams working for Laser Precision Solutions LPS were in a state of panic as the autumn deadline for the launch of LaserTrain drew closer

Teams working for Laser Precision Solutions LPS were in a state of panic as the autumn deadline for the launch of LaserTrain drew closer.

Additional components from a manufacturer were required despite the fact that there was already a limited budget and the due date was only a few days away. Junying provided the assurance and the expertise necessary to keep the project moving forward. In order for LPS to meet the fast production needs, CAD designs intended for CNC CNC machining services were able to be uploaded to a secure server by Junying on LPS's behalf.

  • The Design for Manufacturing (DfM) platform detected potential error hotspots almost immediately

  • Similarly, the platform generated a quote for CNC work whenever it was requested

  • In just a few short hours, the necessary components were being fabricated by means of computer numerical control (CNC) machining


Combining the capabilities of the internet and CNC CNC CNC machining services results in an increase in the effectiveness of the solutions that are currently available for production processes. Junying, which takes great pride in its online and on-demand manufacturing platform, makes this technology available to businesses all over the world that are looking for a competitive edge. The ability to obtain an instant CNC quote can be duplicated, and as a result, it is scalable. Additionally, the manufacturing analysis that can be completed immediately highlights areas of the design that need to be adjusted. The implementation of such a platform, which is fully automated from the design and prototyping stages all the way through the part's final use, results in a significant reduction in production costs.



"As soon as we started working with Junying, we noticed an immediate difference in both the product cost and the lead time. We were able to cut production costs by as much as fifty percent by utilizing the DfM tools for CNC machining to rapidly iterate throughout the entirety of the product design process, according to a spokesman for LPS.

LPS, a transportation company with headquarters in Amsterdam, began the process of designing its LaserTrain by reaching out to a wide variety of manufacturers and suppliers. Throughout the entirety of the company's design process, the expense of money was cut down by implementing a production method that was simplified and consistently provided short lead times and reliability.

Since its inception in 2013, the company has produced more than 3 million parts across the globe. When CNC services are automated, the resulting quotes are more price competitive and the lead times are reduced.

"By next year, we plan to have several LaserTrains, and we are now in a position to achieve this goal without having to make any investments in production machines. This is because we have a clear understanding of the economies of scale that are present in what Junying has to offer."

In addition to the economies of scale that are provided, the decision that LPS made to work within the infrastructure of the company adds scalability. Due to the use of fewer chemical compounds in the production of materials that are suitable for manipulation through 3D production, along with the lower traditional labor cost, expensive materials are now used to manufacture parts with precision. This is in contrast to the manufacturing of metals through CNC machining.

A recent study conducted at Berkeley found that CNC machining results in a significant amount of waste and requires significantly more human labor in comparison to its 3D counterpart.

The deduction manufacturing process as well as the labor-intensive tasks of programming the machine both contributed to the waste that was produced. The practice of having a trained expert manually alter the settings of a CNC machine in order to form a required component is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

These days, a few clicks of a mouse are all it takes to generate precise instructions, and as soon as the machines receive those instructions, the process of creating the design can begin. This online framework sheds light on how LPS as a company was able to see high monetary gains by providing one on one account attention, rapidly developing economies of scale, speed of production, and specific automation of key processes. Approximately a fifty percent overall cost reduction. They are not alone in the experience that they have had. Instant Design for Manufacturing (DfM) technology is an example of a technology that is well worth experimenting with because it can serve businesses of all sizes.
